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  • Event Date: 10-Aug-2024
  • Updated On: 11-Aug-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 32
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Description: Discerning the increasing threat social media poses, especially to children, a seminar was organised by St. Agnes' Loreto Alumnae Association (SALSAA) on 10th August, 2024, addressing classes VI to IX of St. Agnes' Loreto Day School, on 'Cyber Security' and was conducted by Dr. Aravind Chaturvedi, an immensely skilled resource person, invited by SALSAA. A Police officer with over 28 years of experience in various wings of UP Police, Mr. Chaturvedi is currently working as SP Vigilance at Lucknow. He articulately described the many terms used in the cyber world, such as cyber space, cyber crime, and cyber security, emphatically shedding light on the various forms of cyber threats including spoofing, vishing, phishing, and hacking. He then went on to enumerate and elaborate upon the various precautions that may be taken to ward off victimization, immaculately summarising his message in one line, "Be aware and alert." The session culminated with an activite discourse where the students enthusiastically participated in the discussion by raising their doubts and sharing their personal experiences. It was indeed an illuminating experience that educated the students on the pressing issue of cyber security, urging them to be mindful and vigilant of their actions.

  • of St. Agnes' Loreto Day School, Lucknow
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