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Our School

In 1846 Loreto Convent, Darjeeling was founded. In 1872 six nuns from the Darjeeling Community led by Mother Joseph Hogan, the Foundress of Loreto, Darjeeling, faced the arduous journey by bullock cart to open Loreto Convent, Lucknow. The need for a school to cater to the less affluent members of the Anglo-Indian Community of Lucknow, led to the founding of our school by our first Principal Sr. Claire Miller. She named the new school, which was blessed on 3rd October, 1904 after Saint Agnes. The following day, St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School was formally opened in a rented building on Barrow Road near the Baradari. The present impressive building designed by architect Labanti, was blessed on 23rd November, 1913. The students appeared for the Junior Cambridge Examination. The school was upgraded to a High School in 1954. Then students offered the High School Examination affiliated to the U.P. Board. At present the school is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination.


21st of January, is the feast day of the patroness of our School. It is fitting to recall to mind the spiritual beauty of this young saint.

During the early days of Christianity, the Roman Empire had become corrupt and harsh. Those who stood for everything that was right, good and pure were scoffed at, and often persecuted. In particular, the Christians were singled out for all kinds of punishment and death. In this atmosphere of decadence a flower bloomed. A young, pure and beautiful girl, Agnes by name, grew up, surrounded by the love and spiritual care of her family. Agnes vowed to be always true and pure. She pledged herself to God. The son of the Prefect of Rome, was attracted by her beauty and wished to marry her. But he was, like many other Roman youth of that day, cruel, selfish and dissolute. Agnes wanted to devote her life to Christ, and refused his offer of marriage.

In order to force her to accept his hand in marriage, the Prefect’s son denounced her to his father, that she was a Christian. The Roman authorities tried to violate her purity, but an angel of the Lord preserved her from shame. She was next condemned to die through burning, but the flames would not consume her body. Finally, the Prefect gave orders that Agnes should be beheaded. Bravely and with her eyes full of love for her Celestial Bridegroom, Agnes met her death.

Her fidelity to her aim in life, her purity and courage should be shining examples to children of a school, named after her.


Staff totally consists of 56 Assistant Teachers and 6 Administrative Staff.

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